It's not often that I'm compelled to blog, but occasionally I get the urge, and after a quick google of "max vibe" led me to www.thedrunkpirate.com, I decided that this was a good use of my time. Everything that appears here is the direct result of that awesome man and his choice of internet ventures.
Here's my preface: I'm a bum. I quit a very lucrative job in the middle of Iowa to pursue a happier life in Colorado. Though I am happier, I am a poor bum, which leads me to this post. After a fantastic $22 dollar dinner at a local chinese restaurant, my wife and I decided to get something tasty to drink while watching a pirated copy of "The Blindside." She went for the perennial favorite, a bomber of New Belgium Fat Tire. I was feeling a bit more frisky, so I went big and got myself a 24 oz can of "Red" Max Vibe and a 40 of Mickey's. Yep, I'm a classy Dane.
So here I sit, about 30 minutes and 10 oz in. I'd put Max Vibe in the category of most girly drinks, red and fruity. The 12% ABV is a bit of a surprise, I haven't had a "girly drink" in a while, and the last I remember, they topped out closer to 6%. That being said, I'm feeling it a bit. Obviously not enough to screw up my typing, but enough to have to go back and fix a couple words. It's got a bit of a grapefruit feel to it, though that might just be the heavy booze content kicking me in the uvula. Throw in a bit of cherry and a flick to the brain stem and I think we've got a recipe. Don't forget to add in the wonderful scent of Fat Tire burps and puppy farts, they really complete the experience.
I'd probably recommend this to my female friends, but not many of my male counterparts. The blatantly fruitacious flavor just doesn't vibe with the old, single malt scotch tastes that most of them possess. That's not to say it's not doing the job, 3 bucks for a good buzz is a hell of a deal, it's just not a "normal" Friday night. Anyway, as my obviously older and better drank counterpart at The Drunk Pirate decreed, this is a good deal. The caffeine is a good antidote to the heavy alcohol content, though I've got a buzz, I'm not about to nod off. If you like this style of alcoholic beverage, I'd definitely recommend purchasing this one. The same goes if you're just jonesing for a trashy night, it will get the job done with style.
Final Grade: C+. Not my favorite, but the ABV and the price bump this into an acceptable category. Pick one up if you find them, I doubt they would get skunky over time and a can would come in handy for a cheap night that you don't want to end early.
Girly Grade: A-. This is definitely the target demographic here, the casual drinker that is partial to fruity drinks instead of heavy, complex brews. Cheap, readily available, what more could you ask for. Win.
Until next time (likely in about 30 minutes with my 40 of Mickey's), bottoms up.
-The Drunken Dane
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