As I said less than an hour ago, I purchased a big boy bottle of Mickey's alongside my 24 oz can of Max Vibe. I'm about halfway through the aforementioned copy of "The Blindside" and I'm feeling pretty good. The Max Vibe was tasty, but I'll admit, the Mickey's is more up my alley.
The last time I had Mickey's, it was in a 12 oz grenade after a tallboy of High Life at a Mae concert. They have since broken up, and my tastes have since evolved to a thicker, meatier beer, but I can still enjoy a good ole Mickey's.
I'll admit, my taste buds are a bit rounded from the Max Vibe, but I feel that I'm still sober enough to properly judge this brew. I'd also note that it is labeled as a "Fine Malt Liquor" as opposed to a beer, so it's not in the same league as say, Keystone Light, but it's not a horrible drink. Recently Rolling Rock has taken to cans, often at a lower price than other, possibly inferior brands, like Keystone and Busch Light. I'd liken this brew to Rolling Rock, not always appreciated as it should be, but always pleasant to the taste buds. They may have brewed it outside of it's ideal range, but that doesn't mean it isn't an enjoyable drink.
I have a bunch of stories relating to my first few brews as an "adult," but I'll save those for something actually labeled "beer." I'll end this much like I ended my review for Max Vibe, with a qualified recommendation. Once upon a time, when I was a cheap college student, I loved cheap beer. I have since "enlightened" my tastes a bit, but I can still enjoy a good cheap beer of sorts. If you're anything like me, you won't turn your nose up at a 3 dollar, 40 ounce bottle of brew, especially if it brings back some good sentiments and warm feelings. But if you're not, remember where you came from. You couldn't always enjoy a bottle of Delerium, and there's no shame in returning to your roots. Drink up and enjoy, regardless of price.
Final Grade: C-. Bottom line, it'll keep you happy, but I'd prefer a similar sized can/bottle of Busch Light (they're about the same price) or similar. If you want to reminisce and trash it up, pick up an 8 pack of grenades and go wild, but if you're looking for something with a better flavor, scoot over to the next cooler, it'll likely have some classier options.
Girly Grade: B. Easy to drink, cheap, really not a lot to object to. Not super tasty, but it'll get the job done and is awesome enough to pass in my book.
Until next time, bottoms up.
-The Drunken Dane
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